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Dicebreaker comments have some new features, come check them out!


Hello, happy Wednesday!

I’m here to fill you in on some new features you might notice when you post a comment on the Dicebreaker website from now on. And, hey, if you’re yet to comment, why not use this excuse to give it a go? (We love to hear what you’ve been playing lately!)

New and shiny to commenting are email notifications, which will ping your inbox to let you know when someone has liked your comment. You’ll also get a notification when someone replies to a comment you’ve posted.

These notifications will include a direct link to the article’s comments section, so you can quickly pop back to say “Thanks for the lovely reply, new online friend!” or, alternatively, “I’m sorry to hear you disagree with my own thoughts about [game name], but I respect your ability to voice an independent opinion and by no means seek to invalidate it.” Y’know, classic internet comments.

If you already have a Dicebreaker website account or make a new one from now on, these notifications will be enabled by default. If for any reason you’d like to turn them off, it’s easy to do so: head over to your ReedPop ID settings and tick the box under the Account tab to opt out. You can also hit the unsubscribe button in the notification email itself.

There’s no need to worry about being spammed by likes and replies, either: you won’t receive more than a set number of emails in any 24-hour period, regardless of how chatty your comments get.

There are even more new user features cooking up for the Dicebreaker website, so keep an eye out for those soon! In the meantime, why not test out the new feature by dropping a comment below?

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About the Author
Matt Jarvis avatar

Matt Jarvis


After starting his career writing about music, films and video games for various places, Matt spent many years as a technology, PC and video game journalist before writing about tabletop games as the editor of Tabletop Gaming magazine. He joined Dicebreaker as editor-in-chief in 2019, and has been trying to convince the rest of the team to play Diplomacy since.
