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We've just made it easier for you to keep up with your favourite games

Spend less time searching for the things you love, and more time reading about them.

We’ve just made it easier for you to keep up with your favourite games on Dicebreaker.

Today we've added the ability for you to follow topics on the Dicebreaker website and our friends across the ReedPop network. Use it to follow specific tabletop games, popular genres - from heavy worker-placement games to easygoing party games - and your favourite people in the world of tabletop gaming, whether they're designers or artists. Whatever you’re into.

Like the look of an upcoming RPG? Follow it. Want to know when one of your favourite board games is getting an expansion? Follow that too!

Here’s the good bit: we’ll email you the next time we publish an article about any topics you follow.

That means you can spend less time searching for the things you love, and more time reading about them.

With 70,000 topics in our database, there’s something for everyone.

You can also choose whether you want to get updates from other great sites in the ReedPop network, like Eurogamer, Popverse, Rock Paper Shotgun and VG247, making it easier than ever to know everything about your favourite things.

This is just the start: we’re also working on a new area of the site that shows a feed of all of the stories about topics you follow, making it even easier to track the things you love. It'll be ready soon.

We'd love you to give our new following system a try - let us know what you think in the comments.

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About the Author
Craig Munro avatar

Craig Munro

Digital Product Director, ReedPop

Craig is ReedPop's Digital Product Director. He lives in sunny Brighton, UK, and is still trying to complete Super Punch-Out!! on the Super Nintendo.
